Satellite IoT

Wholesale satellite IoT services that open up new possibilities for monitoring and control on a secure, reliable and fast Australian network.

Wholesale satellite IoT services on a secure, reliable and fast Australian network.

At Pivotel, we are dedicated to providing our wholesale partners with robust and reliable satellite IoT connectivity on our carrier-grade network across Australia, New Zealand, and beyond. 

Satellite IoT provides connectivity services that broaden the scope of applications and create opportunities for efficiency improvements, cost savings, and enhanced safety, making it an invaluable tool for products deployed on a global scale or in remote parts of the world.

With Pivotel, our network and infrastructure allows you to integrate advanced connectivity into your own packaged solutions so you can have data connectivity virtually anywhere on earth.

Pivotel’s dedicated wholesale team is here to support you, fully backed by our network, engineering and system development teams who are here to ensure we deliver you with the most resilient connectivity solutions with the highest level of service availability and reliability.


How can Pivotel's Satellite IoT technology be utilised?


Asset Tracking & Management
Satellite IoT can track the location and status of assets spread across the globe, from fleets of trucks in remote areas to shipping containers at sea.


Environmental Monitoring
Devices can collect and send data on parameters from remote locations, aiding in climate research, weather forecasting, and disaster preparedness.


Precision Farming
Farmers can use IoT devices to gather data on valuable assets such as soil moisture, crop health, and weather, allowing for informed decisions.


Infrastructure Monitoring
Satellite IoT enables continuous monitoring of critical infrastructure like bridges, railways, and pipelines, helping detect potential issues from afar.


Health & Safety Monitoring
IoT devices can monitor the health and safety of workers in real-time, alerting managers to potential hazards or health issues immediately.


Smart Metering
Utility companies can implement satellite-connected meters that report usage data in real-time from remote locations, improving resource management.

Our Satellite IoT Services

Pivotel’s diverse range of satellite IoT services allow wholesale partners to choose and integrate the most appropriate technology.

With multiple satellite connectivity options, each IoT service has its own unique strengths that are suited to specific operational requirements.

Cost Efficiency
Globalstar Simplex offers an economical one-way data service where budget constraints are a concern and high-latency isn't an issue.

Two-way Services
Iridium SBD is perfect for operations that require a two-way service with global coverage and rapid response.

Data Intense Applications
Inmarsat IDP is ideal for scenarios that require a two-way service and need to handle higher volumes of data, while Inmarsat BGAN M2M offers IP based connectivity that is ideal for high data applications such as SCADA and CCTV.

Globalstar Simplex

The Globalstar Simplex service provides one-way store and forward data connectivity with very low power requirements for low-cost, long-term monitoring of unpowered assets anywhere.

Ideal for projects requiring economical solutions.

Light Hardware Requirements
Supports more compact, less expensive devices.

Good Populated Area Coverage
Effective for commercial applications within major regions.


Iridium SBD (Short Burst Data)

The Iridium Short Burst Data (SBD) service provides two-way store and forward data connectivity for remote tracking, alarm/sensor monitoring, telemetry and environmental monitoring.

Pole-to-pole Coverage
Unmatched global coverage, including polar regions.

Interactive Two-way Communication
Enables dynamic applications requiring immediate data exchange.

Ideal for critical, time-sensitive operations.

Provides up to 3,000 Bytes in both uplink and downlink.

Inmarsat IDP (IsatData Pro)

The Inmarsat IsatData Pro (IDP) service provides two-way store and forward data connectivity for remote management and communication of fixed and mobile assets in harsh environments.

Large Data Payloads
Suitable for complex messaging and data-intensive applications.

Highly Reliable
Offers consistent and stable performance.

Extensive Coverage
Near-global coverage, though with some polar limitations.

Provides up to 6,400 Bytes in uplink and 10,000 Bytes in downlink.


Inmarsat BGAN M2M

The Inmarsat BGAN M2M service provides two-way IP data connectivity for IoT applications and remote assets, giving you full visibility and control of your assets across an entire area.

Broadband Data Capabilities
Suitable for broadband data applications requiring higher data rates.

Versatile Applications
Supports a wide range of M2M needs from environmental monitoring to real-time security surveillance.

Reliable Network
Provides consistent global coverage with the exception of extreme polar regions.

Delivers data at speeds up to 448 Kbps.

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