Pivotel Regional Network Individual Sign Up Form

Fill out the form below if you would like to connect to a Pivotel Regional Network as an individual user.

1. Your Information

2. Choose Your Service

3. Your Identification: Don’t forget to choose an enquiry password so we can identify you when you make account enquiries.

The enquiry password identifies you when you make account enquiries.

4. Additional Information

By clicking submit I agree that I have read and understood the Critical Information Summary which includes a schedule of the main rates for my selected Pivotel Service Plan. I have read, understand and agree to the Pivotel Privacy Policy. I have read, understood and agree to the Fair Use Policy. I understand that my application for service is subject to the above Terms of Application and the Pivotel Mobile Standard Agreement. I agree that this is an application to Pivotel Mobile Pty Limited ABN 43 116 239 813 (‘Pivotel’) for connection to and the supply of telecommunications services (the ‘Pivotel Service’). I acknowledge that Pivotel may decline your application without providing you a reason. I agree that if my application is accepted by Pivotel my use of Pivotel Services will be according to Pivotel’s Standard Agreement, a summary of which is available at https://www.pivotel.com.au/downloads/. I acknowledge that I have read the summary, which includes information relating to discontinuing my use of Pivotel Services either prior to, at the end of, or any time after the end of my initial term. The summary also advises that fees and charges are payable during my agreement with Pivotel, and upon termination if I terminate before the end of my initial term. I warrant that the information you have provided to Pivotel as set out in this application is accurate. I understand my application will be deemed accepted upon my connection to the Pivotel Service.


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