- Tracertrak | What is a Pivotel Number? Pivotel Numbers are dedicated mobile numbers allocated to a person for simplified satellite messaging Pivotel Numbers are dedicated mobile numbers that are assigned to a person. When a person with a Pivotel Number is allocated to a two-way capable device, SMS messages sent to this persons ...
- Tracertrak | What SMS commands does Tracertrak accept? SMS commands are supported for alarm management, device polling and messaging Tracertrak accepts SMS commands from people registered on the target Tracertrak account via the following regional numbers: Australia & New Zealand: +61 424 218 725 Indonesia: +61 424 214 145 North America: +1 ...
- Tracertrak | How do I send a message to a device? Messages can be sent to devices from the Tracertrak console, from a SMS capable device or from another Tracertrak device. Tracertrak provides a number of different ways to send a message to a device. SMS A SMS capable device, such as a mobile phone/cell phone, can be used to send a ...
- Tracertrak | What is a device recipient address? A device recipient address is a unique messaging address to facilitate device to device messaging The device recipient address is automatically generated for every person on the account. The device recipient address is formulated from the persons first and last name, and the name of the ...
- Tracertrak | What is a Pivotel Number? (NGC) Pivotel Numbers are dedicated mobile numbers allocated to a person for simplified satellite messaging Pivotel Numbers are dedicated mobile numbers that are assigned to a person. When a person with a Pivotel Number is allocated to a two-way capable device, SMS messages sent to this persons ...
- Tracertrak | What SMS commands does Tracertrak accept? (NGC) SMS commands are supported for alarm management, device polling and messaging Tracertrak accepts SMS commands from people registered on the target Tracertrak account via the following regional numbers: Australia & New Zealand: +61 424 218 725 Indonesia: +61 424 214 145 North America: ...
- Tracertrak | How do I send a message to a device? (NGC) Messages can be sent to devices from the Tracertrak console, from a SMS capable device or from another Tracertrak device. Tracertrak provides several different ways to send a message to a device. SMS A SMS capable device, such as a mobile phone/cell phone, can be used to send a message ...