Tracertrak | How do I configure my Tracertrak account? (NGC)

Account Administrators configure their Tracertrak account to suit their location, language, time zone and system preferences.

The Account Administrator has exclusive edit permissions to the Account settings.

As the Administrator, select your avatar in the top righthand corner and click on Account settings in the drop-down menu.

From the Account Settings page, the Administrator can configure the following account options:

  • Account Nickname: used during login
  • Global RCC Emergency Contacts: Primary and Secondary contacts
  • Country: The country in which you primarily operate
  • Language: The preferred default language for the Tracertrak console
  • Time Zone: The timezone in which you primarily operate
  • Date / Time Format: The preferred default format for the Tracertrak console
  • Units: The preferred default format for the Tracertrak console
  • Coorinate Format: i.e. decimal/degrees etc
  • Auto Log Off Period: The maximum period allowed between authenticated user logins
  • Schedule Assistant: Sends automated email messages regarding the allocation of devices, changes to profiles and changes to check-in schedules to affected users.
  • Log in to Billing service options
Categories: Getting Started with Tracertrak