Tracertrak | How do I change the Tracertrak account name? (NGC)

The Administrator edits the account nickname name on the Account Settings page

By default, all Tracertrak account names are set to the accounts 8 digit account number. Eg. 40001234

The Account Administrator can set the account name when they first log in to Tracertrak. The Account Administrator can subsequently change the account name using the following menu options.

As the Administrator, select your avatar in the top righthand corner and click on Account settings in the drop-down menu.

  • From the Account settings page, click the edit button in the 'Company Details" section.
  • Enter the desired account nick name into field and click save changes

The account name will be updated, and an email notification will be sent to all people on the account advising them of the account name change.

It is recommended to use a short (<10 characters) account name that is meaningful to the business or group that utilises the Tracertrak Account.

Any prohibited special characters used in the nick name will result in an error message on the console. Examples of banned characters \ " ” “ $ & @ # * ( ) { } [ ] | ? > < % ^ ~ - – — _ + = | / , . : ; ' ’ ‘ ~ `

Categories: Getting Started with Tracertrak