Making Calls | FAQs

What are the roaming/international call rates when I am using my service overseas outside of Australia?

Call rates can vary depending on the specific service, the network it uses, the plan you have chosen and the country you are calling.

If you are connected on the Inmarsat or Thuraya network and are using your service outside of Australia or New Zealand, the cost to call back to Australia or New Zealand will be the same as when you make a local call from within Australia or New Zealand.

Incoming calls to your Inmarsat or Thuraya phone when travelling outside of Australia and New Zealand are free on most handset plans.

If you are connected to the Iridium satellite network and are using your service outside of Australia or New Zealand your call rates will be different to those that apply when inside of Australia and New Zealand. Please refer to the below table to find the applicable rate for your situation.  Please note that incoming calls to a Pivotel Iridium service located outside Australia/New Zealand incur a per 30sec charge as indicated in the table.

Iridium Calls made outside New Zealand or Australia to standard fixed or mobile services within New Zealand and Australia $3.00 per minute
Incoming calls to a Pivotel Iridium service located outside New Zealand or Australia $3.00 per minute
Iridium Calls made outside Australia to Telstra Mobile Satellite or  Iridium 8816, 8817 $2.00 per 30 seconds plus $1.10 call connection fee excludes GST
Iridium Calls made outside Australia to another Pivotel Iridium service and to fixed and mobile services within Australia $1.10 per 30 seconds plus 55c call connection fee excludes GST
Incoming calls to a Pivotel Iridium service located outside Australia $1.21 per 30 seconds

I’m trying to pay my account via the pay by phone system and it does not work. Can you help me pay my account?

Pivotel’s pay by phone line is available 24/7 on 1300 882 448 (Australia), or 0508 882 448 (New Zealand) or by pressing 1 when calling the Customer Care team.  You will require a touch tone phone, your account number and a pre-registered credit card.

If you are paying with a new credit card or you have not registered a credit card on your account, please call Pivotel Customer Care on 1300 882 448 (Australia), or 0508 882 448 (New Zealand) and they will register you card and complete your payment. For your security, all credit card details are encrypted and held by our payments provider. Pivotel does not hold your credit card details in our systems

Once you card is registered, all future payments can be made by calling 1300 882 448 (Australia), or 0508 882 448 (New Zealand) directly and following the prompts.

If you are still experiencing any difficulties with this service, please call one of our friendly staff in the Pivotel Customer Care team on 1300 882 448 (Australia), or 0508 882 448 (New Zealand) and they will be happy to assist.

I have just received my first invoice and the charge is more than I was expecting, why is this?

On your first Pivotel invoice these charges are most likely pro-rated access fees. Your monthly charge starts on the day your service was connected, so you pay your access fee up until your first invoice, then the next month in advance.  Your next invoice will return to the month by month charge. If you do not believe the higher charges relate to the pro-rated access fee and you believe these is an error, then please call our Customer Care team on 1300 882 448 (Australia), or 0508 882 448 (New Zealand), who will be happy to discuss any billing queries with you.

Categories: FAQs