Tracertrak | What are Dynamic Alarm Recipients? (NGC)

Tracertrak sends an alarm notification to a person that is conditionally related to the alarm that has been triggered.

Dynamic Alarm Recipients or Persons Associated with an Alarm allows you to send an alarm notification to a person that is dynamically determined after the alarm has been triggered. Tracertrak determines which people are conditionally related to the alarm based on their profile and sends an alarm notification to those people. Dynamic Alarm Recipients are people associated with and alarm.

Dynamic Alarm Recipient Configuration

Dynamic Alarm Recipients are configured in the create new profile wizard and under the Alarms, step 2, tab. You can reach this page via the Configuration > People Profile > Edit Profile steps. Select the recipient to receive a notification to a device, SMS or email for each alarm.

Below is a screen capture of the SOS alarm notification from a profile for a 2-way messaging capable device, showing both the Device and Device User recipients.

Categories: Alarms & Notifications