It’s Scams Awareness Week from the 26th to the 30th of August 2024.

This year’s theme is ‘share a story stop a scam’. #ShareAScamStory

Here’s 3 simple steps you can follow to protect yourself.

  1. Stop
    Don’t give money or personal information to anyone if unsure.
    Scammers will offer to help you or ask you to verify who you are. They will pretend to be from organisations you know and trust like service providers, the police, your bank or government services.
  2. Check
    Ask yourself could the message or call be fake?
    Never click a link in a message. Only contact businesses or government using contact information that you find yourself from their official website or app. If you’re not sure, say ‘no’, hang up or delete.
  3. Report
    Act quickly if something feels wrong.
    Contact your bank if you notice unusual activity or if a scammer gets your money or information. Seek help and report the scam to ReportCyber and Scamwatch. When you report scams, you help all Australians by building our defence against scams.

If you are concerned about a scam that is using a mobile number connected by Pivotel, you can let us know by getting in touch at, by clicking here to lodge an online request to have the number investigated, or by calling 1300 882 448. We will investigate the issue, and once confirmed, take prompt action to block the mobile number to stop it being used for voice and SMS messaging.

Find out more here - Scam Call Guidance (