
Magento 2 Blog extension is a must-have tool for any online store owner who wishes to manage blogs right on the Magento store without relying on other platforms. Once integrated into the backend, this powerful module allows you to open a blog and manage categories, posts, comments with ease. Noticeably, free Blog extension is extremely easy to set up and update.

  • PWA-ready solution provided
  • Responsive design
  • SEO friendly
  • Multiselect categories
  • Related posts in product page
  • Blog Topics
  • Comment: Built-in comment, Facebook Comment, Disqus Comment.
  • Integrate Magento Sitemap or Blog sitemap
  • Import aheadWorks M1 Blog, Magefan Blog
  • Related Product slider block
  • Total downloads can't be wrong.
  • REST API, GraphQL is ready