Tracertrak | How do I configure Custom GIS? (NGC)

Navigate to the Configuration > Custom GIS page and select the Add Location button in the top right corner of the page.

You can view the data on this page by Location Groups by using the sort buttons at the top of the data grid

Edit existing Points of Interest by selecting the edit button at the end of each Custom GIS row.

Making this selection creates a pop-up screen to edit the POI name, Radius, Group, Symbol selection and background colour for the group.

Edit or create a new Position for the Custom GIS layer by selecting the “Define” or “View & Edit” buttons. Performing this action brings up the map pop up where you can define the POI by Address, Last known device location, POI location and by specific coordinates.

Importing KML or KMZ files can be performed by uploading or drag and drop in to the Upload Custom Map layer section of the page.

Categories: Configuration