Tracertrak | How do I add a person? (NGC)
Navigate to the Configuration > People page and select the Add person button in the top right-hand corner of the page.
This selection will open the Create New Person pop up. Enter the Personal details, Address, Global RCC Emergency contacts, Device Group and any free form additional information required for this individual.
Adding a person allows that person to login to Tracertrak and to be assign a profile with associated devices.
When creating a person, you will be required to enter the persons personal details including their name, a desired display name to reference them in Tracertrak, and a unique email address. You will need to select an appropriate Role and allocate them to the required Device Groups.
If the Tracertrak account is linked with GEOS, you will need to provide additional mandatory information that will support GEOS in the event of an SOS event.
Click Save when you have entered all the persons details, and the person will be created.